How To Create An Engaging Explainer Video 


Now a days explainer videos have become very important part of marketing. Creating an explainer video can assist people in understanding the value provided by your products or services. Explainer videos explain or show a product’s key aspects. These videos can be focused on one particular aspect or business in general. They can also be used to explain a brand-new service or showcase a brand’s history and achievements.

Advantages of Creating Explainer Video 

Explainer videos can keep the audience interested long enough to make them easily grasp complex ideas or concepts that are otherwise in the form of a long and boring article or a hour-long lecture of an expert. It is easier for the target audiences to develop confidence in your brand when there is an engaging good quality explainer video upfront about your business or service. Here are some of the key benefits of creating an explainer video:

  • Increase conversion rate
  • improving SEO rankings. As per the data, 70 percent of the top 5 results have videos
  • Increases average engagement time, which tells search engines that your website is valuable and, as a result, helps to improve organic rankings
  • Spreading the word about your brand is easy since videos are simple to share on various social media platforms

Tips for Making Engaging Explainer Video 

Now you know what is an explainer video, its use case scenarios, how it is beneficial and why it may be necessary for your business or service. But if your explainer video is not up to the standards or if it is considered lacking, it may not be as effective as it can be. So now let us look at few tips to make an engaging explainer video that can keep your viewer hooked for a short time. 

Video Script is the Foundation 

You may have an excellent service or product that can possibly help a lot of people, but if your explainer video is seen as lacklustre in being clear about what you are trying to convey, you lose out on potential customers who would otherwise be willing to pay for your said product or service. This is why an explainer video should follow a strong video script. Time, thought and clarity makes a strong video script.  

The first step is to identify the purpose or the goal of the video followed by a rough outline of the script. The length of the script depends upon the type of explainer video you want to make. 

Pick the Right Background Music

Music may seem like an easy enough part to include in an explainer video but one wrong BGM can ruin a good video. Choose a BGM that is suitable for the video, usually something uplifting, playful and simple since it shouldnt divert the viewers attention from the important aspect of the explainer video, the conveyed information. 

Explain in Fewer But Precise Words 

Words can influence the video to be engaging or straight up dull. The information trying to be conveyed has to be in fewer but precise words. Using simple and easy to understand language can prove to be effective in reaching a wider range of audience. The visual aspect of the video can be used in conjunction to the dialogue or voice-over to further make it simpler to interpret the video. 

Right Tone of Voice 

The tone of the voice clarifies and conveys meaning to the listener. A simple phrase with the wrong tone can convey a totally different meaning than the one you intended to. The tone must be approachable and friendly for the viewer to be interested. No one will be willing to listen to a monotonous know-it-all tone. It is possible for one to think they sound friendly and approachable when they might actually sound different to others, so considering the opinion of others will come in handy while trying to find the right tone of voice. 

Audio Quality 

Use professional equipment to record the voice-over to be used in the video. The audio quality speaks volume in any video, let alone an explainer video. Poor audio quality may be believed to be due to poor efforts and will make your audience lose interest and trust in you and your brand. 

Try To Be a Little Bit Different

Many businesses use explainer videos to appeal to wider audiences. And thus, it is essential for your explainer video not to be considered as identical to another one. A small difference like humour and a little unexpected surprise in the video can go a long way. Light humour should be the usual go to since you probably wouldn’t want your video to be considered laughing material. 

How To Make Explainer Videos?

There are various tools available to create product or service explainer videos. You can also use Flonnect to record full HD videos with clear audio. It offers various important features like video transcription, changing thumbnails, video trimming, and the generate link feature. Video link generation is one of the most important features since it enables users to share the videos on different platforms quickly.


If you’re thinking of getting on the explainer-video trend this year, these tips will guide you in the right direction. They’ll help you save both time and money. But the most important thing is that they’ll assist you in creating videos that deliver tangible, quantifiable outcomes.

What is an explainer video?

An explainer video helps your target audience understand a particular product or service in a simpler way. It also conveys information about problem-solving ability or the value that can be provided through the product and service being offered.

How to make an engaging product video?

There are so many tools to create great product videos. Flonnect screen recorder can be one of the options, as it offers so many exciting features for free.

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